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Hormone Research in Paediatrics



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Contact Details


Bioscientifica Ltd
Starling House
1600 Bristol Parkway North
BS34 8YU
+ 44 (0) 1454 642246
+44 (0)1454 642222

ESPE Council

Secretary General
A. Hokken-Koelega, Rotterdam

M. Dattani, London

S. Cianfarani, Rome

Chair of the Strategic and Finance Committee
A. Linglart, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre

Chair of Clinical Practice Committee
E. Charmandari, Athens

Chair of Corporate Liaison Board
M. Polak, Paris

Chair of Education and Training Committee
R. Hamza, Cairo

Chair of Programme Organising Committee
N. Krone, Sheffield

Chair of Science Committee
M. Cools, Ghent

Chair of Communications Committee
I. Banerjee, Manchester

PES Secretariat

Dr. McLean
6728 Old McLean Village
VA 22101 (USA)
+1 703-556-9222
+1 703-556-8729

PES Board of Directors

Craig Alter, Philadelphia, PA

Thomas O. Carpenter, New Haven, CT

Erica Eugster, Indianapolis, IN

John S. Fuqua, Indianapolis, IN

Past President
Sharon E. Oberfield, New York, NY

At Large Directors
Laurie E. Cohen, Bronx, NY
Tandy Aye, Stanford, CA
Selma Witchel, Pittsburgh, PA

PES Management Team

Executive Director
M. Thompson, McLean, VA

Association Manager
F. Dixon, McLean, VA

SLEP Secretariat

Dr. Rodolfo Rey
SLEP General Secretary
Director, Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinológicas “Dr. César Bergadá” (CEDIE)
CONICET-FEI-División de Endocrinología
Hospital de Niños R. Gutiérrez
Gallo 1330, C1425EFD Buenos Aires (Argentina)
+54-11 4963-5931 (ext. 133)

SLEP Council

Secretary General
R. Rey, Buenos Aires


G. Iñiguez, Santiago

Council Members
I.J.P. Arnhold, São Paulo
A. Belgorosky, Buenos Aires
I. Bergadá, Buenos Aires
R. Calzada, México DF
F. Cassorla, Santiago
C. Céspedes, Bogotá
C. Longui, São Paulo
A. Matallana, Cali

President 2019 Meeting
S. Antonini, Ribeirão Preto

R. Bindels, Lima

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