Participate in this Rapidly Developing Field of Research
The field of neuroimmunomodulation explores the way in which the nervous system interacts with the immune system via neural and hormonal actions and vice versa. Encompassing both basic and clinical research, Neuroimmunomodulation reports on all aspects of these interactions that bridge brain and immune system in bidirectional ways. The journal is also open to psychoneuroimmunology. Basic investigations consider all neural and humoral networks from molecular genetics through cell regulation to integrative systems of the body. Although primarily devoted to research articles, timely reviews on psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune interrelations are published on a regular basis.
About this Journal
Call for Papers
Microbiota and Gut-Brain Connection in Neuroinflammation.
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024
Journal Details
Impact Factor: 2.4 | |
CiteScore: 4.8 | |
Acceptance Rate: 32.80% | |
Time to first decision: 8.8 days |
Gold Open Access Publication
All manuscripts submitted to the journal from September 15, 2022, and accepted for publication will carry the Open Access license CC BY-NC 4.0 or the license mandated by a funder. Upon acceptance, an Article Processing Charge (APC) will be levied.

Neuroimmunomodulation is the official journal of GEBIN | German-Endocrine-Brain-Immune-Network. Membership to the society includes a 30% discount on APCs. If you are a GEBIN member and have questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
News & Highlights
Neuroimmunomodulation Viewpoints
Get a quick and to-the-point expert assessment of a selection of the latest Karger Neuroimmunomodulation articles. PsychoNeuroImmunologist Rainer H. Straub, comments on a regular basis on the latest research results published in Neuroimmunomodulation and on a series of Pillar articles published elsewhere.
Read the newest post: Pillar Articles Series: Stress and Susceptibility to Infection
Outstanding Reviewers 2023
The Outstanding Reviewer Award for the year 2023 is presented to Prof. Oscar Bottasso from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Argentina and Prof. Christoph Rummel from Justus Liebig University Giessen, Giessen, Germany. We are grateful for their ongoing support and invaluable contributions.
Karger Publishers recognizes the valuable work of reviewers in various ways
Neuroimmunomodulation is Member of NPRC
The Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium (NPRC) is an alliance of neuroscience journals that share manuscript reviews with other NPRC members at the author's request. The NPRC system facilitates fast-track review and publication of neuroscience research, and reduces the burden on peer reviewers.
New Editor-in-Chief: Rainer Straub
Learn more about the plans of Prof. Rainer Straub, the Editor-in-Chief of Neuroimmunomodulation, in the editorial: New Editor-in-Chief’s Note: The Past and the Future