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Portuguese Journal of Public Health

Editors: Sousa Uva, António (Lisbon); Cordeiro, João Valente (Lisbon)

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This journal publishes scientific content in the field of public health in general as well as related disciplines, with the aim to promote the discussion and development of knowledge at a national and international level. Articles focus on public health issues such as primary care, health economics, new models in health management, or occupational health, in addition to papers addressing disease prevention and quality of life. The journal publishes original research and reviews, case reports and commentaries.

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Portuguese Journal of Public Health is the official journal of the National School of Public Health - NOVA University of Lisbon. Karger Publishers provide publishing services to the journal owner the National School of Public Health - NOVA University of Lisbon. The journal owners retain the responsibility for the content published in the journal and follow Karger Publisher's Editorial and Peer Review Policies.

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Logo of the CHRC

The present publication was funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC, Grant/Award Number: UIDP/04923/2020.

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