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Editor: Jemec, Gregor B.E. (Roskilde)

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Experience and Progress – a Thought-Provoking Journal for the Dermatologist

Published since 1893, Dermatology provides a worldwide survey of clinical and investigative dermatology. Original papers report clinical and laboratory findings. In order to inform readers of the implications of recent research, reviews prepared by invited, internationally recognized scientists are regularly featured. In addition, the journal publishes papers on novel treatments, surgical pearls, consensus guidelines, and industry news. Dermatology offers the analytical dermatologist a broad range of information, from practical problem solving to a deeper mechanistic understanding of skin diseases, while at the same time providing space for further hypotheses that may help to find new solutions to old problems. The journal publishes contributions from across the globe on a wide range of skin-related topics including epidemiology, skin biology, clinical dermatology, and therapy. It enjoys an eminent reputation in the field of dermatology.

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Teledermatology, remote monitoring, e-health, and digital dermatology are expanding fields that are increasingly used to assess and manage numerous skin diseases.

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