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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Research Articles March 12 2024
Cytomorphological Disparities in Invasive Breast Cancer Cells following Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy and Chemotherapy
Pathobiology (2024)
Review Articles February 8 2024
Challenges and Clinical Relevance of Modern Breast Pathology Reporting: Your Questions Answered
Pathobiology (2024)
Research Articles December 23 2023
Morphologic Heterogeneity of Carcinoma with Signet Ring Cell Features at Different Primary Sites
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles December 21 2023
Molecular Characterization and Genetic Subclassification Comparison of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Real-Life Experience with 74 Cases
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles December 19 2023
Prognostic Significance of Intratumoral and Peritumoral Budding in Distal Extrahepatic Bile Duct Carcinoma
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles December 16 2023
IQ Motif Containing GTPase-Activating Protein 3 Is Associated with Cancer Stemness and Survival in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Pathobiology (2023)
Review Articles November 14 2023
The Pathology according to p53 Pathway
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles November 14 2023
CD15 Is a Risk Predictor and a Novel Target in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles November 7 2023
Exploration of the Tumour Biological Significance of PCLO in Gastric Cancer: Results from a Large Central European Cohort
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles November 3 2023
Exploring the Expression of Adenosine Pathway-Related Markers CD73 and CD39 in Colorectal and Pancreatic Carcinomas Characterized by Multiplex Immunofluorescence: A Pilot Study
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles November 1 2023
Relative Telomere Length in Cervical Exfoliated Cells among Women with High-Risk Human Papillomavirus
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles October 18 2023
Gastric Polyps in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Portuguese Patients: The First Western Cohort with Asian Features
Pathobiology (2023)
Research Articles October 10 2023
Discrepancies in Hormone Receptor and HER2 Expression between Malignant Serous Effusions and Paired Tissues from Primary or Recurrent Breast Cancers
Pathobiology (2023)

Early View

Case Reports May 8 2024
Expanding the spectrum of sarcoma with an internal tandem duplication of BCOR: a non-pediatric nasosinusal case
Pathobiology (2024)
Research Articles May 8 2024
Clinically Applicable Pan-Origin Cancer Detection for Lymph Nodes via AI-Based Pathology
Pathobiology (2024)
Research Articles April 20 2024
Erythroid predominance in bone marrow biopsies of AML patients after decitabine treatment correlates with mutation profile and complete remission
Pathobiology (2024)
Case Reports April 4 2024
Colonic tubular adenoma with clear cell change – case report with whole exome sequencing and updated review of the literature
Pathobiology (2024)
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