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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Research Articles April 17 2024
Outcome of Colorectal Robotic Surgery in Newly Established Robotic Surgery Center: A Case Series
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles April 17 2024
Discordance in Phenotypic and Genotypic Susceptibility Testing for Streptomycin Due to Nonsynonymous/Nonsense/Deletion Frame-Shift Mutations in gidB among Clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Kuwait
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Brief Reports April 17 2024
Additive Effects of Citrus Juice Flavonoid Naringenin and Statins on Human Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene Channels Expressed in Xenopus Oocytes
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles April 16 2024
Comparison of BAP65, DECAF, PEARL, and MEWS Scores in Predicting Respiratory Support Need in Hospitalized Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Patients
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles April 9 2024
The Predictive Value of Plasma Sodium and Other Laboratory Parameters in Determining Complicating Appendicitis in Children
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles April 2 2024
IGFBP5 Promotes Neuronal Apoptosis in a 6-OHDA-Toxicant Model of Parkinson’s Disease by Inhibiting the Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Obituaries April 2 2024
Professor Naji Al-Zaid: An Obituary
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles March 25 2024
The Emerging Role of AI in Patient Education: A Comparative Analysis of the Accuracy of Large Language Models for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Review Articles March 25 2024
Alzheimer’s Disease: A Suitable Case for Treatment with Precision Medicine?
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles March 25 2024
The Impact of Educational Status on the Occurrence of Colonic Diverticula: Insights from an Austrian Cohort Study
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles March 20 2024
Pharmaceutical Polygon Fingerprinting Matrix System: A Potential Tool for Pharmaceutical Quality Control
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles March 20 2024
In vitro Activity of Dalbavancin and Fourteen Other Antimicrobial Agents against Toxigenic Clostridioides difficile Clinical Isolates in a Greek Tertiary-Care Hospital
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles March 18 2024
Oral Rinses: Some Kill and Some Cripple Candida albicans
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Review Articles March 14 2024
Diagnostic Methods for Helicobacter pylori
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Systematic Review March 14 2024
Social Media Misinformation about Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccines: A Systematic Review
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles March 13 2024
The Modulation of Euglycemic Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreatic Secretions in Iron Deficiency
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Review Articles March 5 2024
Advancements in HLA Typing Techniques and Their Impact on Transplantation Medicine
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Review Articles February 23 2024
Whole Genome Sequencing: Applications in Clinical Bacteriology
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles February 15 2024
The Effect of Citric and Ascorbic Acids as Anti-Biofilm and Anti-Capsular Agents on Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles February 15 2024
Long-Term Mortality and SGLT2 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes with and without Renal Impairment: An Observational Cohort Study
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Review Articles February 13 2024
The Effects of Neuroactive Steroids on Myelin in Health and Disease
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles February 6 2024
Diagnostic Accuracy of Point-of-Care Testing of C-Reactive Protein, Interleukin-6, and Procalcitonin in Neonates with Clinically Suspected Sepsis: A Prospective Observational Study
Med Princ Pract (2024)

Early View

Review Articles May 21 2024
Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Review Articles May 10 2024
Prognostic Significance of Nuclear Factor kappa B (p65) among Breast Cancer Patients in Cape Coast Teaching Hospital
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Letters May 7 2024
The Emerging Role of AI in Patient Education: Correspondence
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles April 20 2024
Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing the Clinical Profile and Outcomes of Critically Ill Pregnant Patients in Kuwait During the COVID-19 Pandemic Waves
Med Princ Pract (2024)
Research Articles September 14 2023
Bioinformatics Analysis and Screening of Potential Target Genes Related to the Lung Cancer Prognosis
Med Princ Pract (2023)
Research Articles October 26 2020
Retracted Paper - CircHIPK3 Promotes Thyroid Cancer Tumorigenesis and Invasion through the Mirna-338-3p/RAB23 Axis
Med Princ Pract (2020)
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