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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Case Reports May 3 2024
Endoscopic Retrieval of Migrated Uterine Device: Case Report
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Review Articles April 22 2024
Non-Invasive versus Invasive Assessment of Portal Hypertension in Chronic Liver Disease
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Case Reports April 2 2024
Hepatocellular Adenoma: A Life-Threatening Presentation of a Rare Liver Tumor – Case Report and Literature Review
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Review Articles March 21 2024
Steroid-Refractory Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis in Infliximab-Experienced Patients
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Research Articles March 14 2024
Transjugular Liver Biopsy: The Key to a Rare Etiology of Cholestatic Hepatitis after Bone Marrow Transplantation
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Case Reports March 12 2024
Tulip-Bundle Technique for Endoscopic Closure of 2 Chronic Gastrocutaneous Fistulas
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Research Articles March 12 2024
Prevalence of Endoscopic and Histological Lesions at Upper Endoscopy: A Cross-Sectional, Multicentre Study in Clinical Practice
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Retractions March 8 2024
Retraction Statement: Paper by Chee Yik Chang and Bryan Tan entitled “Splenic Abscess Caused by Clostridium difficile” [GE Port J Gastroenterol 2023;]
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Case Reports March 7 2024
Gastric Mixed Neuroendocrine-Non-Neuroendocrine Neoplasm: An Unusual Tumor and Its Presentation in a Young Adult
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Letters March 1 2024
Comments on “Percutaneous Endoscopic Sigmoidopexy: Still a Way to Go”
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Case Reports February 15 2024
Iron Deficiency Anemia and Unexplained Recurrent Abdominal Pain: Look for the Answer through the Fossa
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Research Articles February 14 2024
Standard Cannulation versus Fistulotomy for Biliary Access in Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography: Should We Expect the Same Success when Treating Choledocholithiasis?
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Research Articles February 6 2024
Long-Term Follow-Up of Kidney Function after Acute Liver Failure or Acute Liver Injury: A Cohort Study
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Research Articles January 29 2024
Risk Factors in Serrated Pathway Lesions: N-Glycosylation Profile as a Potential Biomarker of Progression to Malignancy
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Review Articles January 16 2024
Portuguese Pancreatic Club Perspective on the Surveillance Strategy for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours: When and How to Do It?
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Case Reports January 9 2024
Solitary Gastric Extramedullary Plasmacytoma EUS Features: A Case Report
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Case Reports January 8 2024
Endoscopic Management of Dysfunctioning Gastric Band after Sleeve Gastrectomy with the Luso-Cor® Esophageal Stent
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2024)
Review Articles December 27 2023
Portuguese Pancreatic Club Perspectives on Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Diagnosis and Staging, Associated Genetic Syndromes and Particularities of Their Clinical Approach
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports December 12 2023
Anti-Reflux Mucosal Ablation: One More Kid in Town for the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports December 12 2023
Appendiceal Submucosal Tumor: The Potential of Endoscopic Full-Thickness Resection in a Rare Entity
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports December 12 2023
Granulation Polyp: A Pitfall for Digital Chromoendoscopy
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports December 4 2023
Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding after Gynecological Surgery: An Atypical Endoscopic Diagnosis
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports November 16 2023
Percutaneous Endoscopic Sigmoidopexy: Still a Way to Go
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles November 15 2023
COVID-19 Vaccination in Liver Cirrhosis: Safety and Immune and Clinical Responses
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Review Articles October 30 2023
Portuguese Pancreatic Club Perspectives on Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided and Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports October 25 2023
Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Using Band Ligation of a Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumor
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports October 25 2023
Schwannoma of Common Bile Duct: A Clinico-Radiologic Diagnostic Quagmire – A Case Report
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports October 25 2023
Middle-Age New-Onset Dysphagia
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports October 20 2023
Chondroepithelial Choristoma: A Rare Cause of Congenital Esophageal Stenosis
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports September 29 2023
Endoscopic Extraction of Two Giant Stone Bezoars Using Mechanical and Laser Lithotripsy: Remoção endoscópica de dois bezoares gigantes petrificados com recurso a litotrícia mecânica e por laser
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports September 27 2023
Desmoid Tumor after Sleeve Gastrectomy: Case Report and Literature Review
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports September 19 2023
Cholangioscopy with Laser Lithotripsy in the Treatment of a Patient with Type II Mirizzi Syndrome
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles September 5 2023
The Initial Journey of Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (PaCTO Project): A Nationwide Survey among Portuguese Specialist Physicians
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports September 1 2023
Obinutuzumab-Induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Like Pancolitis: A First Case Report
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports August 21 2023
Retracted Paper - Splenic Abscess Caused by Clostridium difficile
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports August 16 2023
Acute Abdominal Pain as the Initial Presentation of an Acquired C1 Inhibitor Deficiency: A Case Report
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports August 16 2023
Autoimmune Hepatitis Induced by Hepatitis Delta Virus: A Conundrum
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports August 10 2023
Small Bowel Villous Atrophy in a Young Patient: A Challenging Diagnosis
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Case Reports July 26 2023
Primary Gastric Tuberculosis in an Immunocompetent Patient: The Truth Lying beneath the Surface
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles July 19 2023
Portuguese Results of the ETICC Study: Impact of the Pandemic COVID-19 in the Diagnosis and Management of Colorectal Cancer in 2020 in Portuguese Hospitals
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles July 19 2023
Influence of COVID-19 on Patients with Esophageal Varices under Prophylactic Endoscopic Band Ligation Therapy
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles July 19 2023
Knowledge in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Translation to Portuguese, Validation, and Clinical Application of the IBD-KNOW Questionnaire
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles July 14 2023
Predictors of Outcomes in Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Retrospective Cohort: Preditores de prognóstico nos Tumores Neuroendócrinos Gástricos: um estudo retrospetivo
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles July 4 2023
Clinical Characteristics of Genuine Acute Autoimmune Hepatitis
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)
Research Articles June 29 2023
Prognostic Markers in Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
GE Port J Gastroenterol (2023)

Early View

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