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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Research Articles April 3 2024
Trade-Offs in the Sensory Brain between Diurnal and Nocturnal Rodents
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Research Articles March 25 2024
Translating the Timing of Developmental Benchmarks in Short-Tailed Opossums (Monodelphisdomestica) to Facilitate Comparisons with Commonly Used Rodent Models
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Review Articles March 8 2024
Ocular Necessities: A Neuroethological Perspective on Vertebrate Visual Development
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Research Articles February 27 2024
Effect of Hindlimb Unloading on Hamstring Muscle Activity in Rats
Brain Behav Evol (2024)

Early View

Research Articles May 16 2024
The behavioral and neurobiological response to sound stress in salmon
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Research Articles April 30 2024
Signaling ligand heterogeneities in the peduncle complex of the cephalopod mollusc Octopus bimaculoides
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Research Articles April 24 2024
Food for thought: The effects of feeding on neurogenesis in the ball python, Python regius
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Letters April 16 2024
A Phylogeny-Based Approach to Stress
Brain Behav Evol (2024)
Review Articles July 24 2023
The relationship between cognition and brain size or neuron number: Brain size and cognition
Brain Behav Evol (2023)
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