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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Research Articles May 21 2024
Nail Disease in a Nail Consultation at a Tertiary Referral Center: A 10-Year Retrospective Study
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles May 20 2024
Current Knowledge on Nail Involvement in Autoimmune Bullous Disorders
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Research Articles May 16 2024
Trichoscopy of Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia: A Retrospective Study and Literature Review
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports May 16 2024
Subungual Acantholytic Dyskeratotic Acanthoma: A Case Report and Literature Review
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports May 15 2024
Scalp Rosacea Treated with Topical Ivermectin
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles May 8 2024
Dermoscopic Nail Changes in Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, and Lichen Striatus
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports May 3 2024
Corticosteroid Atrophy Plaque on the Scalp Treated with 5-Fluourouracil and Bleomycin Infusion in the MMP Technique
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Research Articles May 2 2024
Rogue Hairs: A Mixed-Method Characterization of a Previously Unreported Entity
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Research Articles April 29 2024
The Comparative Effects of Monotherapy with Topical Minoxidil, Oral Finasteride, and Topical Finasteride in Postmenopausal Women with Pattern Hair Loss: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles April 17 2024
The Effects of Environmental Pollutants and Exposures on Hair Follicle Pathophysiology
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports April 16 2024
Tick Bite Alopecia: A Report of Five Cases and Review of the Literature
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports April 12 2024
Leukonychia Totalis: An Underreported Sign of Chronic Arsenicosis
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports April 9 2024
Serial Excision Technique to Reduce Cicatricial Alopecia
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Brief Reports April 2 2024
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors in Patients with FOXP1 Syndrome: An International Cross-Sectional Survey-Based Study
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports March 28 2024
Median Canaliform Dystrophy of Heller in a Carpet Weaver: A New Risk Factor? – A Case Report
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Letters March 28 2024
Increasing the Distance between the Dermoscope and the Surgical Site during Intraoperative Dermoscopy
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports March 26 2024
Advantages of Nail Surgical Procedures Using a 3D Biomodel
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles March 25 2024
Surgical Management of Difficult Nail Glomus Tumors
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles March 25 2024
Classification of Retronychia: A Narrative Clinical Review
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Case Reports March 18 2024
A Case of Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and Conglobate Acne Successfully Treated with Secukinumab
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles March 11 2024
Exposome Impact on Nail Health
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles March 8 2024
Update on Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Nail Unit: An Human Papillomavirus-Associated Condition
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles February 27 2024
Cytokine-Mediated Molecular Pathophysiology of Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Narrative Review
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles February 9 2024
Adverse Effects of Do-It-Yourself Nail Cosmetics: A Literature Review
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Brief Reports February 6 2024
CO2 Laser-Assisted Nail Sampling for Mycological Testing in Onychomycosis
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Research Articles February 2 2024
Evaluation of Delayed Contact Hypersensitivity in Patients with Rosacea
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Letters January 30 2024
The “Waves Sign” in Digital Myxoid Pseudocyst
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles January 29 2024
Ciliary Madarosis Secondary to Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma Treatment
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Corrections/Errata January 25 2024
Erratum - Hair-to-Hair Trichoscopy: An Objective Method to Assess Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin in a Clinical Trial for Androgenetic Alopecia
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Brief Reports January 24 2024
Expert Practices in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Flare Management: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Brief Reports January 22 2024
Mendelian Randomization Analysis Supports Causal Effect of Type II Diabetes Mellitus on Onychomycosis
Skin Appendage Disord (2024)
Review Articles October 27 2023
Trichoscopy of Discoid Lupus Erythematosus in the Black Scalp: A Literature Review
Skin Appendage Disord (2023)

Early View

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