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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Other Types May 16 2024
Society Bulletins · Gesellschaftsmitteilungen
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles April 17 2024
Validierung eines Fragebogeninstrumentes zur Erfassung des Erlebens von Natur: Die Experience of Nature Scale
Complement Med Res (2024)
Systematic Review April 1 2024
Contrasting Effects of Music Therapy and Aromatherapy on Perioperative Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Complement Med Res (2024)
Review Articles March 26 2024
Acupuncture for Tinnitus: A Scoping Review of Clinical Studies
Complement Med Res (2024)
Systematic Review March 12 2024
How Effective Is Drinking Natural Mineral Water against Heartburn from Functional Dyspepsia, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or Other Causes? A Systematic Review of Clinical Intervention Studies
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles March 8 2024
Viscum Album Lipophilic Extract in Actinic Keratosis, Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Case Series
Complement Med Res (2024)
Systematic Review February 28 2024
Ear-Marking Relief: A Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Auricular Acupressure in Alleviating Anxiety Disorders
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles February 22 2024
Indication-Specific Effect of a Phytotherapeutic Remedy on Human Fetal Osteoblastic Cells: An in vitro Analysis
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles February 20 2024
The Use of Evening Primrose Oil for Cervical Ripening in Low-Risk Women with Term Pregnancy: A Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Trial
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles February 12 2024
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Patients Treated for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, or Systemic Sclerosis in a French Rural Region
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles December 5 2023
Stakeholder Perceptions of Complementary and Integrative Medicines from People Living with Rare Diseases in Northern Ireland: A Mixed Methods Study
Complement Med Res (2023)
Research Articles August 21 2023
Efficacy and Safety of Yukmijihwang-Tang in the Treatment of Cough-Variant Asthma: Study Protocol for a Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial
Complement Med Res (2023)
Research Articles June 6 2023
A Pragmatic Historical Assessment Tool: A New Systematic Framework for the Collation and Evaluation of Documented Empirical Effectiveness and Safety of Traditional Plant Medicines in the European Materia Medica
Complement Med Res (2023)
Research Articles May 16 2023
Homeopathy for Major Depressive Disorder: Protocol for N-of-1 Studies
Complement Med Res (2023)
Research Articles April 21 2020
Retracted Paper - The Effect of Neural Therapy on Long-Term Postoperative Discomforts after Bilateral Tubal Ligation
Complement Med Res (2020)

Early View

Research Articles May 20 2024
Nurturing Hope: Reproductive Outcomes with Sinosomatics Following Unsuccessful IVF Attempts
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles May 14 2024
Low inter-rater reliability and reproducibility of Neck Reflex / “Adler-Langer” Points in Neural Therapy Diagnostics but increased pressure-pain threshold after therapy – results of a randomized controlled observer-blind trial
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles May 6 2024
Acupuncture Point Selection Patterns for Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting: A Data Mining Analysis
Complement Med Res (2024)
Letters April 22 2024
The Use of Music-Based Interventions in Persian Medicine
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles April 17 2024
An acupuncture protocol for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) - a Delphi-process.
Complement Med Res (2024)
Research Articles April 17 2024
Development of the Blood Stasis Questionnaire for Gynecological Diseases: An Analytical Cross-Sectional Study
Complement Med Res (2024)
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