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Online First / Early View

Online first articles are accepted and edited, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI.

Online First

Retractions May 14 2024
Retraction Statement: Paper by Wenbo Xiao, Jun Zheng, Baoyong Zhou, and Long Pan entitled “Replication Protein A 3 Is Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumorigenesis and Poor Patient Survival” [Dig Dis. 2018;36(1):26–32,]
Research Articles April 3 2024
Improved Nutritional Outcomes and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Patients Treated with Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor
Review Articles March 26 2024
Molecular Pathways of Colorectal Cancer Development: Mechanisms of Action and Evolution of Main Systemic Therapy Compunds
Research Articles March 26 2024
Diagnosis Value of the Blood Urea Nitrogen-to-Creatinine Ratio in Determining the Need for Intervention of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Review Articles March 25 2024
Gut Microbiota in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: From Prognostic Role to Therapeutic Implications
Research Articles March 25 2024
Liver Stiffness Determined by Transient Elastography Is a Simple and Highly Accurate Predictor for Presence of Liver Cirrhosis in Clinical Routine
Review Articles March 21 2024
Proton Pump Inhibitors: Rational Use and Use-Reduction – The Windsor Workshop
Research Articles March 19 2024
The Adult Carbohydrate Perception Questionnaire Identifies Patients with Lactose or Fructose Intolerance Who Respond to Diet
Review Articles March 15 2024
Helicobacter pylori Diagnosis and Treatment in Africa: The First Lagos Consensus Statement of the African Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Research Articles March 8 2024
Evaluation of Genetic Variants Associated with the Risk of Thiopurine-Related Pancreatitis: A Case Control Study from ENEIDA Registry
Review Articles March 8 2024
Helicobacter pylori Infection: A 40-Year Journey through Shifting the Paradigm to Transforming the Management
Research Articles February 9 2024
A Prognostic Model for Survival in Patients with Gastric Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma
Research Articles January 31 2024
Association Study between SNPs in MST1 and MST2 and H. pylori Infection as well as Noncardia Gastric Carcinogenesis
Review Articles December 14 2023
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From Conventional Immunosuppression to Biologic Therapy

Early View

Research Articles May 15 2024
Endoscopic diagnosis of epithelial subtypes of superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors using magnifying narrow-band imaging.
Review Articles May 8 2024
Viral hepatitis C: from unravelling the nature of disease to cure and global elimination
Review Articles May 7 2024
Current Trends and Advancements in the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Research Articles May 2 2024
Validating the Baveno Elastography Criteria of Advanced Liver Fibrosis in Two-dimensional Shear Wave Elastography: A Prospective Pathology-based Study
Research Articles April 25 2024
Pancreatic Walled-Off Necrosis: Cross-Sectional Imaging Depiction of Debris Predicts the Success of Endoscopic Drainage Using Lumen Apposing Metal Stents
Research Articles April 25 2024
Lusutrombopag Reduces the Risk of Hemoperitoneum Caused by Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Compared with Platelet Transfusion
Research Articles April 24 2024
miRNome profiling analysis reveals novel hepatocellular carcinoma diagnostic, prognostic and treatment-related candidate biomarkers: post-hoc analysis of SORAMIC trial
Research Articles April 22 2024
Risk Prediction of Post-Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Coagulation Syndrome
Research Articles April 10 2024
Detection of Clarithromycin Resistance in Helicobacter pylori Using MmaxSure™ H. pylori & ClaR Assay
Systematic Review March 13 2023
Characteristics and Outcomes of Elderly Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients following Surgical Resection: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Research Articles July 8 2020
Predicting the risk of rebleeding after capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding - External validation of the RHEMITT Score.
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