Aim: To assess the role of the dysfunctional voiding and incontinence scoring system (DVAISS) in children with voiding dysfunction. Methods: Ninety-three children were divided into three groups: those who had wetting only (group 1), recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and wetting (group 2) and vesicoureteral reflux together with wetting and UTIs (group 3). Individualized multiple treatments modalities were applied. The success criteria defined by the reduction in the rate of wetting described as complete response (more than 90%), partial response (50–90%), no response (less than 50%).Also, in group 3, improvement was determined as a decrease of at least two grades in reflux. Scores of patients were determined before and after treatment. Results: Complete response rates for groups 1, 2 and 3 were 67.5, 88.8 and 85.71%, respectively. The specificity of the DVAISS in predicting the complete response was 79, 88 and 100%, respectively, and its sensitivity was 100% in all groups. In group 3, improvement rate was 71.4%. The specificity and sensitivity of the DVAISS in predicting the improvement were 83 and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: The sensitivity of the DVAISS is higher in predicting the treatment effect; however, its specificity is decreased. The DVAISS may be an auxiliary diagnostic tool in voiding dysfunction patients.

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