Accessing Knowledge
We are specialized in making medical content available to researchers and libraries.
Research at Your Fingertips
With roots in scientific research and peer-reviewed publishing, Karger specializes in making medical content available to scientific audiences. Whether you are an individual researcher, academic library or contributing author, Karger offers innovative and flexible publication models designed to help you either publish or access the latest research results.
Karger Publishers breathes Swiss innovation. Head-quartered in Basel, Switzerland, we combine a long-standing tradition in peer-reviewed publishing since 1890 with innovative/recent access models, including Open Access and hybrid publications.
And Karger goes a step further in removing barriers that prevent people from accessing and understanding research findings by offering services that translate research into various formats from podcasts to animations using a language that can be understood by everyone - bringing people and science together.
The Scientific Portfolio
At Karger, our portfolio is in a constant state of unfolding, promising quality content on a rolling basis to keep you informed. You can delve into more than 100 prestigious medical journals across many subject areas along with 9,000 books.
More than 30 percent of our publications are Open Access journals, and more journals become Open Access with each year. We also partner with the world's leading academic institutions in transformative agreements. Transformative agreements do not only cover the journal access but also Open Access publishing, helping more subscription journals transition to Open Access.
Subject Areas
Publish & Access - Transformative Agreements
Open Access
Disseminate Research