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Find useful files with information about the Karger publishing program, our current price list, and media data as well as lists with the bibliographic details of our publications in various formats.

Book and Journal Information

E-Book Collections

Full bibliographic details for all volumes included in the Karger eBooks collections can be downloaded free-of-charge as Excel Sheets and Karger MARC Records.

Karger MARC Records (from 1997 onward) are generated from standard Karger bibliographic data for books and contain the key fields libraries usually require to load eBook data into their OPAC environment.

An enhanced version of MARC records for Karger eBook Collections, OCLC MARC Records, can be obtained from OCLC's WorldCat Collection Sets Service to subscribing institutions. Please see WorldCat Cataloging Partners Service at the OCLC website for further information.

Journal and Book Series

The Karger Journal and Book Series Catalogue is available for download in its entirety or in sections (Journals, Open Access, Book Series, Collections and Packages, Order Information).

The classic Karger Journal Price Lists are available as PDF in CHF, EUR and USD.

Journals and Book Series Catalogue and Price List


E-Book & E-Journal Collections

Excel (xlsx)

All Books
E-Book Collection 2023
E-Book Collection 2020
E-Book Collection 1997-2022
E-Book Collection 2017 (German)
E-Book Collection 2015 (German)
E-Book Collection 1997-2014 (German)

Fast Facts Collection Complete
Fast Facts Collection 2018
Fast Facts Collection 2017
Fast Facts Collection 2016
Fast Facts Collection 2006-2015
Fast Facts Collection 2001-2005

E-Book Archive Series Collection
E-Book Archive Non-Series Collection (English)
E-Book Archive Non-Series Collection (German)

Karger MARC Records (zip)

All Books
E-Book Collection 2023
E-Book Collection 2020
E-Book Collection 1997-2022
E-Book Collection 2017 (German)
E-Book Collection 2015 (German)
E-Book Collection 1997-2014 (German)

Fast Facts Collection Complete
Fast Facts Collection 2018
Fast Facts Collection 2017
Fast Facts Collection 2016
Fast Facts Collection 2006-2015
Fast Facts Collection 2001-2005

E-Book Archive Series Collection
E-Book Archive Non-Series Collection (English)
E-Book Archive Non-Series Collection (German)

KBART (zip)

E-Journal Collection
Open Access Journals

E-Journal Archive Collection

All Books
E-Book Collection 2023
E-Book Collection 2020
E-Book Collection 1997-2022

Fast Facts Collection Complete
Fast Facts Collection 2018
Fast Facts Collection 2017
Fast Facts Collection 2016
Fast Facts Collection 2006-2015
Fast Facts Collection 2001-2005

E-Book Archive Series Collection
E-Book Archive Non-Series Collection
E-Book Archive Non-Series Collection (German)


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