Rights and Permissions
Learn more about our sharing policies, reprints and e-prints, translation services and how to reuse permission.
Have an interesting paper you’d like to use? A beautiful infographic that explains exactly what you mean, or an article you’d like to share on your socials? We offer you a quick and easy way to clear permissions to re-use or reproduce our content for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
Reuse Permission
Sharing is caring. What do you need to know if you wish to reuse an image, table, or text extract published with Karger in an article or book chapter? Do you need to request permission to reuse your article in your thesis or other publication? We make it easy to obtain permissions via Rightslink®.
Find detailed instructions in the FAQ section.
Sharing Policies
How Can I Share It
Sharing scholarly articles enables collaboration, the development of professional relationships, and scientific advances. We endorse the sharing principles of the Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) and allow some full-text versions of articles may be shared in certain forums without permissions, while others may require permissions. Find out which policies apply.
Open Access and Hybrid Journal Articles (including Author’s Choice)
Authors of our Open Access article are free to share and upload the final published article to any website immediately after publication, provided that the terms of the applicable Creative Commons license are followed. For further information about our Open Access content and policy, refer to our Open Access pages.
Subscription Journal Articles
What can be shared with colleagues from the scientific community? If you published in one of our subscription journals, then you can get our permission to provide up to 25 colleagues from inside the scientific community with a free and specially watermarked PDF of the final article that has been “published by Karger Publishers”.
What can be archived and shared from a subscription journal?
Article version | Personal website | Department or institutional repository | Noncommercial subject repository | Scientific network / academic social network or Open Access repository | Commercial use |
Submitted manuscript (preprint) | At any time | At any time | At any time | At any time | At any time |
Postprint manuscript/ Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) | After publication, no embargo | After publication, no embargo | After publication, no embargo | With expiry of an embargo period of 12 months after publication | Publisher permission required |
Version of record (VoR) (final, published article) | Abstract including link to the VoR can be posted | Abstract including link to the VoR can be posted | Abstract including link to the VoR can be posted | Abstract including link to the VoR can be posted | Publisher permission required |
Submitted Manuscript
Submitted manuscript (preprint) means a paper that has not yet been peer reviewed, formatted or copy edited. You can share preprint of your article anytime, anywhere, without restriction. Upon publication, the author must update the record by acknowledging that the article has been accepted and published as follows, ensuring citations can be credited to the article:
"This is a preprint manuscript of an article published by Karger Publishers in [journal title/year/volume/issue/page including DOI] and available on karger.com/Article/FullText/doi.
Accepted Manuscript
Accepted manuscript/Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM or postprint) means the version of the manuscript after the peer-review process but before production. When self-archiving the AAM in a third-party repository, Creative Commons licenses or other open licenses may not be applied unless explicitly required by the corresponding author’s research funder or institution.
Version of Record
Version of Record (VoR) means the final typeset and edited version of the journal article that has been made available by Karger formally and exclusively declaring the article “published”. The VoR of a subscription-based article may not be posted either to a personal or institutional website or a noncommercial or commercial subject site. The author is permitted to reuse the abstract of the article including a link to the VoR on the Karger website only.
Personal or institutional server:
You as an author are permitted to archive an accepted manuscript (AAM or postprint) on your personal or institution's website, regardless of an embargo period, provided the following conditions are met:
- The article is archived on a personal or institutional website only.
- The server must be noncommercial; Publisher’s copyright and the article's original source must be acknowledged.
- The postprint version of the article must be linked to the publisher`s version on the Karger website.
We recommend using the following text:
"This is the accepted manuscript version of an article published by Karger Publishers in [journal title/year/volume/issue/page including DOI] and available on karger.com/Article/FullText/doi."
Public Open Access repositories or scientific networks:
In addition to the foregoing requirements, archiving an accepted manuscript (AAM) on a public Open Access repository or a scientific network is permitted after a 12-month embargo period following publication of the final version on the Karger website.
What can be reused in an MSc / PhD thesis?
- Preprint: at any time
- AAM (Postprint): after publication (the publisher's copyright and the source must be acknowledged)
- Version of record: after publication (the publisher's copyright and the source must be acknowledged)
The author is permitted to include the preprint, AAM or likewise the VoR in his/her MSc or PhD thesis immediately after publication of the VoR and without consideration of any embargo period.
Feel always free to share a URL to Karger journals or books.
Reusing Open Access Content
Content published under the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) can be reused for noncommercial purposes without further permission, provided that proper credit is given to the original source.
Reprints and E-prints
Reprints and e-prints of articles published in our highly respected peer-reviewed journals are ideal for inclusion in product folders, mailings, presentations, and conference bags to establish a wide and targeted readership.
Our reprints and e-prints can be customized to meet your specifications: We can, for example, incorporate your company logo or brand colors, create a cover page, or add your own advertising material.
We also offer printing services which are coordinated by our printing facility in Switzerland. Alternatively, you can acquire the right to print locally at the printing press of your choice.
We cooperate closely with our partner agencies to ensure that the final product meets your requirements.
Do not hesitate to contact us so we can provide you with further information.
Are you interested in reaching the LATAM market with one of our products? Or your company needs one of our books translated into Japanese? We have you covered.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn about the process of acquiring the translation rights for the publications of your interest.

Book Titles Most in Demand for Translations in Recent Years
We are delighted to present you a selection of the new and recently featured medical and scientific publications that are slated for translation into other languages.
Don't hesitate to contact us and tell us your needs. We will be happy to provide a customized offer.
Publication Overview
Want to get a broader overview of our publications? Consult our Subject Guide and sign up to our Newsletters if you would like to receive early book announcements and book release notifications.
Reuse Permission
You’d like to use one of our images on your website or you are interested in quoting a text extract for your promotional purposes? You can easily clear any images, figures or text extracts for reuse in promotional material, brochures, in a presentation or on your website via Rightslink®.
Learn more about how our services can be customized for industry partners.
Find detailed instructions in the FAQ section.
Reuse Permission
We are a signatory to the STM Permission Guidelines, which provide a streamlined procedure for permissions to use extracts from copyrighted works. We make it easy to obtain permissions via Rightslink®.
How can I obtain permission with Rightslink?
- Locate the relevant content on the Karger website and click on Tools and the Get Permission link to open the Rightslink® page.
- Follow Rightslink®'s simple online instructions and select your specifications from the drop-down options to get a Quick Quote.
- Create a Rightslink® account if you have not already done so to order and pay
- Accept the Karger Terms and Conditions.
- Download your license.
How can I reuse my previously published article for my thesis?
Karger Publishers allows the reuse of your article within your thesis as well as saving it in your institution’s repository. Please follow the steps explained in ‘How can I obtain permission?’.
How can I get access to an article?
Select the option ‘Get Article’ on Karger Publishers’ article website and choose your preferred option to buy or rent the article.
We offer the option to rent our content for a specific period with the Content Rental option in Rightslink®, the Copyright Clearance Center's online service. You can have immediate online access to the content you require. Access can be rented for 24 hours or three days with restricted printing and downloading. This service is available not only for journal articles, but also for book chapters. Simply follow these easy steps:
- Locate the relevant content on the Karger website and click on the Get Permission link to open the Rightslink® page.
- Follow Rightslink®'s self-explanatory online instructions and select ‘rent this content’ from the drop-down options to get a Quick Quote.
- Select the Rental Period.
- Create a Rightslink® account if you have not already done so to order and pay.
- Accept the Karger Terms and Conditions.
- Download your license.
How do I reference to the original article when reusing parts of it?
- Choose Tools and the Cite link.
- Choose your format.
- Copy the file into your document.
How can I share articles?
Refer to the Sharing Policies section.
How can I reuse Open Access articles in whole or in part?
Open Access articles published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) can be read, downloaded, printed, and shared for non-commercial purposes as long as proper credit is given to the authors as well as the original publisher. Karger Publishers uses the CC BY-NC 4.0 license to protect authors’ work from misuse.
When sharing or re-using the article in part or in whole, the following statement should be included: ‘The final, published version of this article is available at https://karger.com/?doi=[insert DOI number] (e.g. https://karger.com/?doi=10.1159/000365070).’
Articles published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0) may be shared or reused, providing credit is given to the original author and publisher.