Acta Cytologica
The Journal of Clinical Cytology and Cytopathology
Indispensable Reading in Cytopathology and Beyond
With articles offering an excellent balance between clinical cytology and cytopathology, Acta Cytologica fosters the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms behind cytomorphology and thus facilitates the translation of frontline research into clinical practice. As the official journal of the International Academy of Cytology and affiliated to over 50 national cytology societies around the world, Acta Cytologica evaluates new and existing diagnostic applications of scientific advances as well as their clinical correlations. Original papers, review articles, meta-analyses, novel insights from clinical practice, and letters to the editor cover topics from diagnostic cytopathology, gynecologic, and nongynecologic cytopathology to fine needle aspiration, molecular techniques, and their diagnostic applications. As the perfect reference for practical use, Acta Cytologica addresses a multidisciplinary audience practicing clinical cytopathology, cell biology, oncology, interventional radiology, otorhinolaryngology, gastroenterology, urology, pulmonology, and preventive medicine.
About this Journal

International Academy of Cytology
Members of the International Academy of Cytology (IAC) are entitled to a special, reduced subscription rate for Acta Cytologica.
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Online-First Articles
Accepted and fully citable articles not yet assigned to an issue.