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Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics

Editor: Naumann, Elke (Nijmegen)

Editorial Board

Transferring Research into Hands-on Knowledge–Scientifically Sound, Clear and Competent

Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics is a valuable source of the latest knowledge for dietitians and specialists in private practice. In the section Knowledge Transfer, our experts break down selected original articles with a view on how to apply this information in your day-to-day work. The gain from these digests: Research insight condensed into what is essential for the job as a dietitian. Selected case reports from internationally acclaimed journals introduce the focus topic of each issue. Individual knowledge transfer articles inform you about cutting-edge results from research, with a critical discussion and an outlook on client benefit and practical use. Carefully selected newsflashes on health care and on professional developments round off the spectrum of this «Kompass» journal.


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