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Monographs in Human Genetics
Human genetics represents a highly diversified field covering an ever-increasing number of topics ranging from basic research to medical practice. The well-established book series Monographs in Human Genetics focuses on important hereditary diseases, their molecular basis, clinical impact and eventual treatment. With its concise but highly informative reviews by experts from different fields, 'Monographs in Human Genetics' provides essential reading not only for researchers but also for physicians and students interested in specific genetic diseases.

H. Soreq; H. Zakut
A. Svejgaard; C. Jersild; P. Platz; L.P. Ryder; L. Staub Nielsen; M. Thomsen; M. Hauge
G.T. Nurse; T. Jenkins
A. Svejgaard; M. Hauge; C. Jersild; P. Platz; L.P. Ryder; L. Staub Nielsen; M. Thomsen
N.E. Morton; C.S. Chung; M.P. Mi