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The Best of Genetics collection gives you the chance to discover, or rediscover, some of the groundbreaking research recently published in our Genetics portfolio. We have deliberately selected articles from each of our specialist publications to provide a comprehensive overview of Genetics at Karger. Readers can expect a diverse range of topics including the regulation of myocyte proliferation and apoptosis, identification of candidate genes through genomic approaches, novel mutations, as well as comparisons of innovative single-cell sequencing technologies.
Best of Genetics Collection
Jacqueline A.C. Goos; Irene M.J. Mathijssen
Mol Syndromol (2019) 10 (1-2): 6–23. (DOI:10.1159/000492266) -
Emanuela Scarano; Martina Tassone; Claudio Graziano; Dino Gibertoni; Federica Tamburrino; Annamaria Perri; Maria Gnazzo; Giulia Severi; Francesca Lepri; Laura Mazzanti
Mol Syndromol (2019) 10 (3): 130–138. (DOI:10.1159/000496172)
Janine E. Deakin; Tariq Ezaz
Cytogenet Genome Res (2019) 157 (1-2): 7–20. (DOI:10.1159/000495974) -
Feng Li; Chao Zhang; Guifang Zhang
Cytogenet Genome Res (2020) 159 (3): 119–125. (DOI:10.1159/000499062)
Brendan Backhouse; Chloe Hanna; Gorjana Robevska; Jocelyn van den Bergen; Emanuele Pelosi; Cas Simons; Peter Koopman; A. Zulfa Juniarto; Sonia Grover; Sultana Faradz; Andrew Sinclair; Katie Ayers; Tiong Y. Tan
Sex Dev (2019) 13 (1): 26–34. (DOI:10.1159/000494896) -
Simone Hildorf; Lihua Dong; Jorgen Thorup; Erik Clasen-Linde; Claus Yding Andersen; Dina Cortes
Sex Dev (2019) 13 (2): 74–82. (DOI:10.1159/000497374)
Chaokun Yan; Jingjing Ma; Huimin Luo; Ge Zhang; Junwei Luo
Hum Hered (2019) 84 (1): 34–46. (DOI:10.1159/000501652) -
Camille M. Moore; Sean A. Jacobson; Tasha E. Fingerlin
Hum Hered (2020) 84 (6): 256–271. (DOI:10.1159/000508558)