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Hero Picture Diuretics and Ultrafiltration in Heart Failure

Diuretics and Ultrafiltration in Heart Failure

Volume removal in heart failure: Current concepts and a look into the future.

The Diuretics and Ultrafiltration in Heart Failure article collection presents a comprehensive discussion on the use of ultrafiltration strategies in the setting of heart failure and critical illness, medical, and device related. Accurately diagnosing volume overload, and subsequently applying the right therapeutic tool in the patients with heart failure is a complex task with variable success. We bring to you an exceptional grouping of contributions from experts in the field, discussing the latest advancements in fluid hemodynamic assessment, management strategies for fluid of overload and future novel directions for care of the cardiorenal patient.

Edited by Claudio Ronco (St. Bartolo Hospital, Italy) and Adam T. Whaley-Connell (University of Missouri, USA)


Call for Papers – Cardiorenal Medicine

Fluid Overload in Cardiorenal Medicine: From “Bench to Bedside”.

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