Fast Facts for Patients and their Supporters
Accessible Medical Information for Everyone
Want to get up to speed on a healthcare topic?
Our resources are trusted, evidence-based and accessible. Written in collaboration with patients and patient groups and clinically reviewed by experts, they provide information and support in various formats.

Medical Handbooks for Patients
Explore our collection of accessible, highly-illustrated books written in collaboration with patients and international patient groups.

Patient Podcasts
Benefit from audio offers complementing the handbook collection and other podcast resources tailored to patients.

Patient Summary Sheets
Learn more about common diseases with short, concise, 2-page summaries and infographics on a specific topic in medicine.

Patient Animations
Explain all facets of a disease and understand all the facts on a medical condition in visually appealing animations and videos.
Free Access with MyKarger
Karger offers patients unlimited free access to the Fast Facts series, a collection of more than 100 resources spanning multiple topics across the field of medicine.
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