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Oncology Research and Treatment

Editors: Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter (Mannheim)
Lorenzen, Sylvie (Munich)

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Compact and Current, Oncology Research and Treatment Keeps Both Clinicians and Researchers Up to Date

Oncology Research and Treatment offers an interdisciplinary forum for cancer research and treatment. Peer-reviewed original and review articles cover a wide range of aspects in medical hematology and oncology, surgical, gynecological, pediatric, and urological oncology, dermatological oncology, diagnostics, radiation oncology, psychological care, pathology, clinical-translational oncology, and oncological rehabilitation. Oncology Research and Treatment is addressed to clinicians and practitioners working and researching in the field of hematology and oncology. The focus of Oncology Research and Treatment is to report clinical and translational research. Basic research is not in the scope of the journal.

About this Journal

Calls for Papers

Beyond Biology: The Crucial Role of Sex and Gender in Oncology
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024

Liquid Biopsy in Diagnosis and Treatment Monitoring of Solid Tumors
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024

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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 47,
Issue 5,
May 2024

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