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Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy

Editor: Schlenke, P. (Graz)

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Interdisciplinary Journal for Transfusion Medicine, Hemotherapy, Immunohematology, and Clinical Hemostasis

This journal is devoted to all areas of transfusion medicine. These include the quality and security of blood products, therapy with blood components and plasma derivatives, transfusion-related questions in transplantation, stem cell manipulation, therapeutic and diagnostic problems of hemostasis, immunohematological investigations, and legal aspects of the production of blood products as well as hemotherapy. Both comprehensive reviews and primary publications that detail the newest work in Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy promote the international exchange of knowledge within these disciplines. Consistent with this goal, continuing clinical education is also specifically addressed.

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Call for Papers

Importance of HLA for Transplantation.
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024


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