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Ultrastructural Pathology

Get a quick and to-the-point expert assessment of a selection of the latest Karger Neuroimmunomodulation articles. PsychoNeuroImmunologist Rainer H. Straub, Professor at the Regensburg University, comments on a regular basis on the latest research results published in Neuroimmunomodulation and on a series of Pillar articles published elsewhere.



Pillar Articles Series: Stress and Susceptibility to Infection

Check Prof. Rainer H. Straub's to the point explanation of the stress and susceptibility to infection of Aaron Frederick Rasmussen Jr. and Colleagues.

Pillar Articles Series: The Role of Glucocorticoids in Human Chronic Inflammatory Disease

Check Prof. Rainer H. Straub's to the point explanation of the role of glucocorticoids in human chronic inflammatory disease of Philip Showalter Hench and colleagues.

Pillar Articles Series: The Influence of Adrenaline and Emotional Excitement on Phagocytosis of Tubercle Bacilli

Check Prof. Rainer H. Straub's to the point explanation of the discoverer of emotional effects on tuberculosis progression related to adrenaline of Tohru Ishigami.

Pillar Articles Series: Severe Stress Contracts Lymphoid Organs and Changes Leukocyte Blood Count

Check Prof. Rainer H. Straub's to the point explanation of the immunological idea of Selye.

Pillar Articles Series: The Transformation of Pavlov's Theory into Immunology

Learn with Prof. Rainer H. Straub how Pavlov’s Theory link to immunology.
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