The Waiting Room Podcast
Season 1
About This Season
In season 1 of The Waiting Room we speak with a wide range of experts and advocates from the world of healthcare. We cover several World health days including Rare Disease Day, World Cancer Day and World Obesity Day as well as learn more about specific conditions including progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis and natural processes such as menopause.
All Episodes
Episode 11 - COVID’s Ugly Progeny: Long COVID with Emily Taylor
Since late 2019, people all over the world know of COVID-19, or coronavirus. Meanwhile we have also heard about a new development: Long COVID. To learn more, we turned to the Long COVID Alliance and spoke with Emily Taylor, Vice President of Advocacy and Engagement at Solve M.E.
Episode 10 - World Patient Safety with Prof Sir Liam Donaldson
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Professor Sir Liam Donaldson. He is the World Health Organization’s Envoy for Patient Safety as well as Professor of Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Sir Liam provides us with a comprehensive overview of why and how World Patient Safety Day was created as an awareness day. Furthermore, he explains this year’s theme, ‘Medication Safety’, and slogan, ‘Medication Without Harm’, in detail.
Supplementary Material
Episode 9 - Understanding PFIC with Dr Cara Mack
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Cara Mack, Chief and Professor of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA. Dr Mack provides us with a snapshot overview of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) and shares with us the impact that this group of diseases can have on patients and their supporters. Dr Mack has also recently co-developed a Karger interactive eLearning program to educate healthcare professionals, entitled Finding PFIC: Unraveling Pediatric Cholestasis.
Episode 8 - Dementia Action Week with Janice Murray and Adele May
On the occasion of Dementia Action Week, which is held from May 16 to 22, we spoke with Professor Janice Murray and Professor Adele May. Together with Professor Shakila Dada they wrote the recently published Fast Facts book “Dementia and Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Conversations”. Janice Murray, who is Professor of Communication Disability at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK, is an advocate for maintaining connectedness with those living with dementia through meaningful, co-constructed interactions. Adele May holds a PhD in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) from the Centre for AAC at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She has a special interest in developing interventions that focus on functional real life outcomes for persons with communication disabilities. Download the free Fast Facts book.
Supplementary Material
Episode 7 - Appendix Cancer Awareness with Dr Paul H. Sugarbaker
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Dr Paul H. Sugarbaker, Secretary General of the Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International (PSOGI) and pioneer of the HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) therapy, or the Sugarbaker procedure. Dr Sugarbaker joins us for Appendix Cancer Awareness Month. He provides us with a comprehensive overview of what is a rare type of cancer, including interesting insights on treatment and management from several decades of working with appendix cancer patients.
Supplementary Material
Episode 6 - World Cancer Day with Dr Cary Adams
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Dr Cary Adams, CEO of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). Dr Adams discusses the challenges facing cancer care, particularly inequities and their impact on cancer survival rates, which underpins the UICC’s theme of ‘Close the Care Gap’ for World Cancer Day 2022 and beyond. To find out more about UICC and how it is dedicated to taking the lead in uniting and supporting the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, promote greater equity, and to ensure cancer control continues to be a priority in the world health and development agenda visit
Episode 5 - World Obesity Day with Vicki Mooney
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Vicki Mooney, patient advocate and Executive Director. Vicki provides us with an excellent overview of the work of ECPO, detailing how it supports patients living with obesity, uniting their voice and driving awareness of obesity as a chronic relapsing disease. We also discuss the impact of COVID-19 and its effects on the quality of life for those living with obesity. For more information about ECPO and how it supports patients, including accessing its selection of excellent educational resources visit
Supplementary Material
Episode 4 - Rare Disease Day with Jo Balfour
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we speak with Jo Balfour, the founding member and Managing Director of the UK-based charity Cambridge Rare Disease Network (CRDN). Jo shares with us details of the Action for Rare Diseases Empowerment (ARDEnt) project and its aim to shed light on the unseen impact of the pandemic on people living with rare conditions to protect the existing services for them and identify what lessons can be learned. To learn more about the ARDEnt project and the corresponding report including its findings visit
Supplementary Material
Episode 3 - Rare Disease Day with Helena Baker
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Helena Baker, CEO and co-founder of the Rare Disease Nurse Network (RDNN). Helena shares with us the excellent work that the RDNN is doing for rare disease patients, including its ambition to becoming the ‘Macmillan of Rare Diseases’ and its determination to create better services for those affected by rare diseases and improved information for nurses. For more information about the RDNN visit
Supplementary Material
Episode 2 - Rare Disease Day with Anna Kole
In this episode of Karger’s The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Anna Kole, Public Health Policy Director at EURORDIS. We talk about the importance of raising awareness around rare diseases and the positive impact that Rare Disease Day can have on patients and their supporters. For more information about the work the of EURORDIS and access to their wide range of supporting resources, visit
Episode 1 - Menopause with Dr Paula Briggs
In this episode of Karger's The Waiting Room Podcast, we talk with Dr. Paula Briggs, consultant in sexual and reproductive health, about all thing's 'menopause'. We touch upon the symptoms of menopause, including those symptoms that are lesser known, as well as the subject of HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Dr Briggs also provides useful hints and tips on where to access good quality and reliable information so that women and their supporters can make informed decisions. This includes the Fast Facts Menopause guide available to download for free from Karger.
Supplementary Material
Blog post: Understanding Menopause: An Interview with Dr. Paula Briggs
Fast Facts book: Fast Facts for Patients: Menopause
About the Speakers

Emily Taylor
Emily Taylor currently serves as Vice President of Advocacy and Engagement at Solve M.E., co-founder of the Long COVID Alliance. Emily has more than fifteen years of experience in policy, organization, and advocacy in both the non-profit and government sectors. Prior to joining Solve M.E., Emily served as the director of policy and advocacy for an award-winning autism organization. She also has five years of experience on Capitol Hill, thus understanding both state and federal policy processes, while also focusing on patient representation.

Prof Sir Liam Donaldson
Professor Sir Liam Donaldson is recognised as an international champion of public health and patient safety. He was the foundation chair of the World Health Organisation’s World Alliance for Patient Safety, launched in 2004. Sir Liam is the World Health Organisation’s Envoy for Patient Safety. In the UK, he is Chair of the Integrated Care System (ICS) for the North East and North Cumbria, Professor of Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Honorary Distinguished Professor at Cardiff University, Associate Fellow in the Centre on Global Health Security at Chatham House.

Prof Cara Mack
Cara Mack MD, is Chief and Professor of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA. Prof. Mack is involved in many research projects with the overall theme of optimizing the lives of children with liver diseases. She has co-authored over 80 publications on liver diseases and has recently co-developed a Karger eLearning program to educate healthcare professionals on progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis, entitled – Finding PFIC: Unraveling Pediatric Cholestasis

Dr Paul H. Sugarbaker
Dr Paul H. Sugarbaker, FACS, FRCS graduated from Cornell University Medical College in New York City. His interests are focused exclusively on gastrointestinal cancer, gynecologic malignancy, and peritoneal mesothelioma of the abdomen - all malignancies which typically present with cancerous spread to the abdominal cavity. Furthermore, Dr Sugarbaker is a pioneer of the HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) therapy, or the Sugarbaker procedure.

Prof. Janice Murray
Janice Murray, who is Professor of Communication Disability at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK, is an advocate for maintaining connectedness with those living with dementia through meaningful, co-constructed interactions. She is the current chair of the AAC Committee for the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP).

Prof. Adele May
Adele May holds a PhD in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) from the Centre for AAC at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. As a speech language pathologist, she has a special interest in developing interventions that focus on functional real life outcomes for persons with communication disabilities.

Dr Cary Adams
Dr Carey Adams, CEO of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The UICC unites and supports the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, to promote greater equity, and to ensure that cancer control continues to be a priority in the world health and development agenda.

Vicki Mooney
Vicki Mooney, patient advocate and Executive Director of the European Coalition for People Living with Obesity (ECPO). ECPO is working collaboratively across Europe to improve the lives of people who are living with and are affected by the chronic disease of obesity through advocacy, policy and education.

Jo Balfour
Jo Balfour is the founding member and Managing Director of the UK-based charity Cambridge Rare Disease Network (CRDN) and an advocate for the Action for Rare Disease Empowerment (ARDEnt) project.
The ARDEnt group’s goal was to focus on the unseen impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with rare conditions, to protect the existing services for people living with rare conditions and to find out which lessons can be learned.

Helena Baker
Helena Baker, is the CEO and co-founder of the Rare Disease Nurse Network (RDNN). Furthermore, she is a nurse, Clinical Consultant to The MRN (Medical Research Network), and a rare disease patient.
The members of RDNN are rare disease nurses, genetic counsellors, parents to children with rare disease, people that have rare diseases themselves or people who are passionate about making a positive difference.

Anna Kole
Anna Kole, is the Public Health Policy Director at EURORDIS - Rare Diseases Europe, which is the voice of rare disease patients in Europe. She is a public health professional with more than a decade of experience in the field of rare diseases, both in the US and Europe.

Dr. Paula Briggs
Dr. Paula Briggs, is a consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health based at Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust. She is devoted to delivery of women's health care, research and education. Her main interest is menopause management with a particular interest in urogenital atrophy. She has written various resources on this topic, including "Fast Facts for Patients: Menopause".
Other Seasons

Season 2
In season 2 of The Waiting Room we continue to speak with experts from the world of healthcare. Two episodes focus on the work of the UK enterprise Diversity and Ability (D&A), and a two-part special feature covers the rare disease Waldenström macroglobulinemia. Suicide prevention, health literacy and lung cancer are among the other topics of this season.
Season 3
Welcome to season 3 of The Waiting Room podcast! We continue to speak with experts and advocates from the world of healthcare. The first episode focuses on skin cancer and its prevention. It is followed by a two-part special feature on inflammatory bowel disease and how especially children and young adults living with IBD can be helped. Lung cancer and the 20th anniversary of the European Patients’ Forum are among the other topics of this season.