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Call for Papers in Complex Psychiatry
Proactive Implementation in Translational Genomics.
- Neuroepidemiology
- Portuguese Journal of Public Health
- Public Health Genomics
- Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research
Book Series
Check out some of the most impactful articles in Public Health:
- Epidemic Surveillance of Covid-19: Considering Uncertainty and Under-Ascertainment
- The Pandemic Health Crisis and Its Implications for Food and Nutritional Security in Latin America
- A Decade of Food and Nutrition Policy in Portugal (2010–2020)
- Formative Evaluation of the Families SHARE Disease Risk Tool among Low-Income African Americans
- Challenges and Opportunities for Communication about the Role of Genomics in Public Health
- Development of an Implementation Framework for Overcoming Underdiagnoses of Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the USA
- Integrating genomics into the care of people with palliative needs: A global scoping review of policy recommendations
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Epidemiology of Sleep Disorders in Neurology
This collection collates articles that have been specially invited by our Guest Editors Dr. Elisa Baldin and Dr. Ambra Stefani and further spontaneous contributions to Neuroepidemiology.