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Ultrastructural Pathology

Neuroinflammation in Infectious Diseases

Neuroimmunomodulation article collection edited by: Prof Wilson Savino.

The Neuroinflammation in Infectious Diseases collection comprises five selected papers related to infections of great impact in terms of global health, such as malaria, zika syndrome and the Covid-19 pandemic. As such, one article reports that in cerebral malaria there can be cognitive and behaviour deficits in surviving patients, which may be related to the neuroinflammation, with glia cell activation, neuronal apoptosis and changes in the blood-brain barrier. Striking features with major neurological alterations have been previously described in babies suffering from congenital Zika Virus Syndrome. In the present E-collection, a case report is presented showing the appearance of autism in a child previously infected by this virus. Lastly, three papers discuss very recent findings on neuroinflammation after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Two of them suggest that SARS-CoV-2 impacts mechanisms of early neural In light of neuroimmune interactions at the maternal-foetal interface, whereas the third contribution discusses the neuroinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the context of neuroimmune interaction occurring in this disease. Overall, this e-collection provide to NeuroImmunoModulation readers, a diverse and state of the art concerning neuroinflammatory mechanisms and impacts in infectious diseases of global concern.


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