Karger’s portfolio on the cardiovascular system presents a wide range of the latest topics in clinical and basic research comprising of detailed records and journals. Cardiology provides a forum for scientific progress in prevention, recognition, and treatment of heart disease. Journal of Vascular Research provides rigorous, cutting-edge research in vascular and microvascular biology, physiology, and pathophysiology for basic science and translational researchers, whereas Pulse focuses on the latest findings and hypotheses that enhance the understanding of the entire spectrum of vascular research.
Complementing the coverage in this medical field are Cardiorenal Medicine with a focus on research and clinical practice drawing connections between disorders of the kidneys and the heart, and Kidney and Blood Pressure Research with a speciality in renal and cardiovascular research. Additionally, Cerebrovascular Diseases and the companion journal, Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, cover stroke and cerebrovascular research.
Book Series
Check out some of the most impactful articles in Cardiovascular System:
- Outcomes of Patients Undergoing PCI of Ostial Coronary Lesions: A Single-Center Study
- Energy Drink Effects on Hemodynamics and Endothelial Function in Young Adults
- Serum Individual Nonesterified Fatty Acids and Risk of Heart Failure in Older Adults
- The Effects of a Simulated Workday of Prolonged Sitting on Seated versus Supine Blood Pressure and Pulse Wave Velocity in Adults with Overweight/Obesity and Elevated Blood Pressure
- Pyridoxamine and Caloric Restriction Improve Metabolic and Microcirculatory Abnormalities in Rats with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- The Effect of Body Position on Measures of Arterial Stiffness in Humans
- An Unexpected Cause of Severe Hypertension and Bradycardia: The Role of Hemodynamic Assessment by Echocardiography
- The Association of Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index and Ankle-Brachial Index in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Sickle Cell Disease-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension: A Review of Pathophysiology, Management, and Current Literature
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Journal of Vascular Research Highlights on Endothelial Cell Research
Check out the Editor-in-Chief’s selection of recent articles.

2022 Highlights from Pulse
Webinar series highlighting 2022 hot topics in the field of vascular research and pulsatile phenomena.
Other Publications

The Journal of Vascular Research/European Society for Microcirculation (JVR/ESM) Award aims to spotlight important and growing fields of research with high impact for vascular biology and the microcirculation, with the goal of giving an award to one of the most prominent researchers in the field.
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